Dev Log: October 26, 2024
It’s been an emotional week in my life and in my work. I am reconciling and strategizing. I’m taking stock and feeling anxious to declutter. I am writing the end of the game.

Lots of tears at my desk, but never for the wrong reasons. This is a good thing. If it wasn’t this way, I’d be more concerned.
But I’m pretty vulnerable, is what I’m saying! Throw in a few days of engagement with the latest marketing push - a time when my sworn enemy, social media, is buzzing in my ear - and I’m desperate for a few Saturday hours at home with nothing to do but reflect. (There’s actually lots to do, but Mom’s on the porch right now, okay?)
I showed a few things to Mike after working without feedback all month. He reacted as I’d hoped to the story, and we had some great conversations about potential interactive bits. So I’m still building. But in another week, this will all be out of my hands for deeper editorial feedback, and I’ll be looking long and hard at systems for a while. Can’t think about it now. Must stick to landing.

My friend Evan shared a list of writing tips by Walter Benjamin, and one in particular has stuck with me all week:
Do not write the conclusion of a work in your familiar study. You would not find the necessary courage there.
He’s right, of course. To maximize my work hours, I almost never leave my desk to write. There’s just too much settling-in before the flow state activates. But courage is exactly what I need right now, and it’s more than likely I’ll be writing in novel locations this week, even if I only go as far as my porch or back yard. Fortunately, these are the most beautiful days of the year to go looking for courage. Or, like, pick apples n’ stuff.