Transmissions From the Garden

I spent a few hours this weekend getting my backyard out of its sorry state. In late summer, it usually gets bad. Who wants to weed in the bugs and blistering sun? This year, it was even worse: the two neighboring yards are encroaching, and the dreaded morning glories were choking out my precious tomatoes. I plan to get out there tonight, sit back in a lawn chair, and bask in my work.

I’ve redone the website again. I would like to be done with Wordpress at this point in my life, even though it (for now) remains the backbone of my comics and games presence online. That’s unavoidable, just like the world of social media, the Steam algorithm, and the many other factors that monopolize and inhibit an artist’s chances for success.

But here, on the website with my name, I’d like if it were just me and my files. If I’ve taken anything from the now-dying Cohost it’s that a website is a garden, and as gardener I have godlike authority over what lives and dies, if I’m willing to put in the effort. I do not wish to return to the infinite scroll and the active sense that it is rotting my brain. In the absence of anything better, I’m going back to an old format and making websites for the hell of it.

I will try to use this blog to capture more of my personal musings on art and games. I realize this is the most typical kind of post on a blog, and is generally followed by an eternity of silence. But if you have hope in your heart, feel free to subscribe to the feed or add yourself to the newsletter at the link above.

And if there’s something you’d like to hear me discuss, let me know! It’s nice to prime the pump now and then (also vaguely a yard work metaphor? jesus).


September 22, 2024