Dev Log: November 26, 2024
Tremendous writing day. I’m in the throes of menstrual agony, yet it’s the exact brain chemistry the moment demands!

I got to work last night on some Writing System documents, an important aspect of PT:STS that I’ve nonetheless put out of my mind for a while. To help in the development of these systems, Matt poses excellent questions that force me to clarify the game’s vaguest and most disjointed elements. My work last night - freshly listing out each writing project on a timeline with its many approaches/outcomes - was a good start, but a second look at everything this morning through a narrative lens really brought it all together.
After sharing this work with Matt we got on a call and hashed it out further. It all felt like music. There is a surprising amount of narrative power in these systems. And when the systems tell a story, it’s easy to find support for them within the larger narrative. It really feels as if a new and equally compelling dimension has been added.
I spent the rest of the day doing Mom stuff but with the special kind of dot-connecting brain hum that comes on a good writing streak. Amazing to see this kind of progress right before the holiday lull. If I sound delirious, I may just be! But it’s worked out before, and I trust the process.